Contact Us


Our company located in Estonia, Spain & R.D of Congo

English, French & Spanish
Tallin, Estonia 11314

WSP (En.Fr.Sp) : +44(7871) 201025

WSP (En.Fr.Sp): +243 (977)134993

WSP (Spanish): +44(7871)201024

Free Consultation

Feel free to convey your security and intelligence concerns to us at no cost. We will respond and arrange a call to better understand your specific situation.

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We hope to have resolved some of your queries with these responses.

Our initial consultation to understand your case is completely free of charge. We will arrange a call to better comprehend your needs.

Following that, we will study your situation and send you a detailed proposal at no cost, outlining any future consultancies already contracted and the costs of the services you wish to engage. Each case and each company is unique, and their needs may range from an intelligence report on the subject matter, a risk analysis tailored to their situation, a security plan for their enterprise, to the hiring and training of security personnel, or escort and protection services.

We offer a premium service tailored to each unique case. The pricing may vary depending on the resources and personnel involved. Nevertheless, we take pride in being cost-competitive for our clients, despite the scarcity of companies with expertise in these sectors.


Security and intelligence are the cornerstones of our operations. In addition, we provide sophisticated brokerage services to cater to both material and personal requisites in regions of your interest, leveraging our well-established global networks.

Our alliances become your strategic advantage, granting you access to our comprehensive network. We orchestrate strategic introductions, connecting you with key individuals to ensure the prosperity of your enterprise.

We are acutely aware of the complexities involved in establishing operations within foreign territories, particularly those with ambiguous legal frameworks or distinct risks not present in your domestic market. Collaborating with us equips you to navigate these challenging landscapes with assurance, where others may hesitate to venture.

Our commitment is to propel your business forward, unlocking new avenues for growth while ensuring your security during all business engagements.

Undoubtedly, our firm is poised to offer bespoke training solutions designed to align with your organization’s unique requirements.

The imperative of ongoing professional development and systematic training cannot be overstated, particularly in the realm of security preparedness and adaptability to evolving threat dynamics. Our expertise extends to the instruction of military, law enforcement, and private security operatives across various nations, each with stringent quality benchmarks and complex security landscapes.

In partnership with elite security education institutions, we facilitate access to globally acknowledged certifications encompassing Close Protection Officer (CPO), Maritime Security Operator (MSO), and Personal Security Detail (PSD) qualifications. Should your specifications necessitate a more customized approach, we are adept at curating specialized curricula to address those needs.

Our approach includes deploying our seasoned trainers to your premises or arranging for your staff to engage in immersive training experiences at our associates’ state-of-the-art facilities.

As a purveyor of security talent, we also offer recruitment services, sourcing and placing distinguished security management, operational staff, and technical experts. Our reservoir of certified professionals stands ready to integrate into your operations. Communicate your prerequisites to us, and we shall endeavor to fulfill them with precision.

Time is the most valuable resource in this world, especially when operating internationally. That’s why our consultations around the world typically take place through calls and video conferences.

However, if your specific case requires an in-person visit, our personnel located in Europe and Africa can travel to get acquainted with your business.

We operate across various time zones as we work with multiple countries.

For this reason, we prefer initial contact via email or WhatsApp to schedule a subsequent call with you during your country’s business hours.

In our blog section, we will add a calendar displaying upcoming events, news and available courses.

You can also follow us on our social media channels to stay informed.

Our company offers an exclusive Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) program, meticulously designed for individuals such as yourself.

Whether you are a civilian, entrepreneur, or a professional poised to embark on travel to regions with elevated risk factors, our comprehensive 3-day seminar equips you with vital knowledge for maneuvering through adversarial environments. This course is instrumental in cultivating an acute awareness of the critical considerations inherent to such locales.

Participants will gain proficiency in devising Journey Management Plans, adeptly responding to exigent evacuations and confrontations, administering first aid, and mastering orientation techniques. Furthermore, the curriculum encompasses emergency response strategies and evacuation protocols, coupled with guidance on staying apprised of the real-time conditions within the host nation. Emphasis is also placed on cultural sensitivities to circumvent potential conflicts.

Cybersecurity consulting involves providing guidance and expertise to organizations or individuals on protecting their digital assets and systems from cyber threats. It encompasses assessing vulnerabilities, implementing security measures, incident response planning, and staying informed about emerging risks in the digital landscape. 

Our strength lies in the expertise of one of our founding partners. His 18+ years of experience in the cryptographic and cybersecurity field within the air forces qualify him to guide your company through this complex journey, implementing measures that protect your interests.

We are also equipped to align your businesses with national security frameworks. In Spain, for instance, adapting companies to the “ENS” to formalize contracts with the public administration is essential, but its complexity can be a hurdle for many entrepreneurs. We assist you in adapting your company so it can be certified as compliant.